• Yes! We still strongly encourage you to buy a physical copy—because holding a comic in your hands is nice—but we totally understand that shipping can be expensive sometimes and that a digital option is often much more convenient.

  • We plan to write 7 issues of this comic. Once we’re done—yes!!—we want to compile them into a trade, hopefully with a lot of cool extra stuff added to it. After that, we’re switching to original projects.

  • Your teenager can probably read Deathwish. There’s a little bit of blood and about as much foul language as you would find across MCR’s discography, but nothing sexual, drug-related, or overly graphic. While the story revolves around death, it’s in more of a fantastical way than a morbid one—the comic definitely wouldn’t fit under the horror genre, if that’s a concern.

  • So far, the project seems to be in the clear! All members of the band are aware that we sell these comics and haven’t voiced any objections. Of course, if they ever do, we’re fully prepared to stop.

  • We don’t have any immediate plans to! Maybe when we’re done with all seven issues we’ll see about it, but right now we’re happy to let it be our own personal project existing mostly just within the MCR fandom.

  • We’ve been able to turn a small profit so far! That’s helped us to pay for college, replacing broken hardware, and things like that. The majority of what we make we aim to put towards producing future original projects.

  • Sometimes we miss messages or get too busy with work to check our inbox as frequently as we’d like. We never ignore anyone intentionally—please just email us again and we’ll probably see it that time around and get back to you! Thanks!